Are You Wondering If; Reiki Is For You?
The Following Information;
May Assist
You With Deciding
What Can Reiki Assist With?
◇Some conditions Reiki can assist with?
♡Tension, Stress, Headaches, Migraines,
Back/Neck/Shoulder pain,
Stuck Emotions: Such as; Guilt/Grief/Anger,
Gastrointestinal Distress,
Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue,
Surgical Preparation & Recovery,
Insomnia, Blocked Creativity,
Chronic Conditions, Fibromiagia
Side effects of Chemotherapy,
And many others!♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

Rejuvenate with Snowfyre Reiki
Q~◇What is a Reiki session like?
A~♡ A Reiki session feels like a wonderful, warm radiance that flows through and around the client. ♡
During a Treatment Session:
♡ ♡ The client lays on a massage table fully clothed. A standard Full Body Treatment Session involves A Byosen Scan( Energy Scan); which tells the Practitioner where Assistance is Needed in or Around the body. I will be placing the hands on or over the Following areas of the Body:
☆Head; 4 separate hand Placements,
◇Torso ; 4 separate hand Placements, ◇Knee's, ☆Top and bottom arches of both feet, ♡And anywhere else the body requires assistance, According to the Byosen Scan ( Energy Scan).
♡ Full Body, Sessions length;
♡♡ Ranges from~ 65 to 90 Minutes ♡
Q~Can Reiki be done at a distance?
A~Yes. Reiki, like prayer, works at a distance very well. I will work with you similarly to an in person Reiki session. I will set up an appointment with you; during which time you will relax in a safe quiet place for you.
At the beginning of the session,
I, Sarah will call you on the phone, to check in on what you would like to have worked on.
Then I will connect with you energetically from a distance and through using Byosen Scanning, determine where your body needs Reiki.
After giving Reiki for an hour or longer depending on the scheduled session length as well as Client Need; I, Sarah will call you to see what you felt and share what I found and where I treated.♡
I will offer a chance for you to provide any feedback you feel guided to share.. And answer any questions you may have about the Treatment.. As always it is ideal to Follow each Treatment Session with plenty of Water.
♡Please Feel Free Contact Me; Sarah Rodgers at♡ 907~787~9632♡ Or snowfyrereiki@gmail.com
♡For Support and Scheduling ♡

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease”

Please Email or call;
Sarah C Rodgers
Are you looking for a more Holistic approach to your Health or simply want to feel Restored and Balanced?
Get in touch to book a
Reiki Energy Treatment Session with;
Practitioner: Sarah C. Rodgers
Holy Fire Reiki Certifications L~1 & L~2